Saturday, 19 October 2013

chocolate orange muffins

One for the ladies at work today, choccy orange muffins

250g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbs cocoa powder 
50g stork
75g caster sugar
2 eggs
zest of 2 oranges
juice of 2 oranges
150g plain chocolate

Melt the chocolate in a bain marie and leave to cool

Rub the margarine into the flour then stir in the sugar, cocoa powder and orange zest.

You need 250ml of liquid so measure out the orange juice and make up with milk. 

Mix the wet ingredients into the dry, then add the melted chocolate

I had some crunchy chocolate cake thingies so put them in at this point.  However, on reflection, I don't think they made any difference at all.

Pour the mixture into 12 muffin cases and bake at 200c for about 20 minutes.

They smelt really chocolately and the smell was seeping out of the tin on the way to work.  Due to the plain chocolate these were drier than normal supermarket muffins (which I always fine a bit damp and gluey anyway).

Sunday, 6 October 2013

lemony cake with crispy lemon topping

This is boyfriend's all-time favourite cake.  Actually, it's the only cake he'll eat.  A favourite of mine too, just try not to think too hard about all the sugar!

It's a Mary Berry recipe but I put more lemon in as I like it extra zingy

100g stork
175g caster sugar
175g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
zest of 2 lemons
juice of a lemon

Beat the margarine,sugar  and lemon zest together and add eggs one by one.  Beat in the flour and baking powder.

You need 4 tablespoons of liquid so use the lemon juice and make up the difference with milk.

Pour mixture into an 18cm round greased cake tin and bake for about 35 minutes.

Whilst the cake is baking make the topping by combining:

juice of the other lemon
100g granulated sugar

Once the cake is baked, remove from oven but leave it in the tin and pour over the lemon/sugar mixture while the cake is still hot.  Leave to cool in the tin.

Make a nice cup of tea and eat cake