Had a fancy on for some cinnamon so I thought I'd have a go at palmiers today.
Palmiers, also known as elephants ears and coeur de France, are delicate little pastries made across Europe. Each country seems to have their own version and name but I think they look like crazy little moustaches so perfect for Movember!
Normally made with puff pastry I thought I'd have a go with rough puff
For the pastry
175g plain flour
pinch of salt
100g butter
100ml cold water
Chop the butter into small cubes and add to the flour and salt. Pour in the water and combine to make into a ball. Chill the pastry for about 20 minutes and roll into a rectangle about 200mm by 100mm.
Fold the bottom third into the middle, then the top third down so you end up with the three pieces on top of each other. Give the pastry a half turn then roll out again and repeat the folding.
Repeat this process 4 times and then wrap and put back in the fridge for half an hour.
To make the cinnamon filling:
40g melted butter
60g light muscavado sugar
2 heaped tsp ground cinnamon
30g flaked almonds crunched up
Mix the ingredients together
Once the pastry has chilled roll out into a rectangle about 300mm by 150mm and smooth over the cinnamon filling. Roll the two longer sides into the middle sealing with a moistened finger to hold.
Wrap and return to the fridge for half an hour.
Slice the roll about 5mm thick and place on a baking tray. Bake at 200c for about 20 minutes until golden and crispy. I defy you to wait until they are cold to try!